We should aim higher than going back to what we had pre Covid-19

We should aim higher than going back to what we had pre Covid-19

The pandemic has shaken the whole world, and that certainly includes our world here in Canada and New Brunswick. But there are glimmers of light that suggest we are coming out of it, although it is too early to say when or what our “new normal” will look like. Given that the pandemic has exposed the shortcomings of our economic infrastructure and created the need to rebuild our economy, the silver lining over this whole dark time may be the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to not just try to get back to where we were, but to instead come back better. We can do this. It need not cost extra money, just enough political will.

This entry is a guest blog by Wendy Keats, Executive Director of the Co-operative Enterprise Council of New Brunswick. (In the interests of full transparency, I’m on the CECNB Board)

It’s a bit longer than my usual blogs, but provides an excellent overview of five proven strategies for a much improved economic model that would greatly benefit all of us, and our planet. In fact, the adoption of any one of them would make a positive difference.

So have a read, and remember Winston Churchill’s words “Never let a serious crisis go to waste”.

And my usual reminder - shares are always welcome.


Farm and fish plant work "a slap in the face". I beg to differ.

Farm and fish plant work "a slap in the face". I beg to differ.

wtf CBC?

wtf CBC?